Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Big Bee Update

So yes we have a bad bee problem. There is a gap in one of our eaves in the roof which let the bees go in to our house and make a pretty big size honeycomb hive. The bee experts say its probably around 40 pounds or so with as many as 1000 bees at any given time. Our little bees are feeding the queen bee wherever she lives. So, we're talking big bucks to fix this big problem. We have gotten estimates from $750-$3000. We are obviously going with the lower number.

So of course with the arrival of Gavin just around the corner, this is the BEST time for this! But we have to do it. We have no choice. So as I sit here in the office, Propacific bee removal is gasing them out of our home and getting rid of them on the exterior. I tell you no joke. I heard them buzzing outside through the window and it kinda made me jump. I thought I was "bee-ing" attacked. Then tomorrow will be the removal of the hive much damage. They will have to go and open up our house from the outside or in, whichever is easier. and remove this active honey comb hive. Then build our house back up, and of course seal it properly this time.

I never knew so much about bees until this week. I feel closer to those little suckers. I still don't like them though.


Anonymous said...

When I first saw it I thought you poured honey on your pourch:)

Jaime said...

hahaha! That how we keep the bees away!