Wednesday, September 05, 2007

39 week update!!!

This one is a happy one. I am 2 centimeters now his head has dropped and with more improvements that I will leave out for the weak stomache. But I told my doc. I said, "doc, I am not gonna make another week follow up appointment with you, okay? I just want to plan on seeing you in the hospital sometime before tuesday." She said, "Would you like to be induced?" (Of course I'm a little slow and was thinking she was talking about right then and there.) "If you don't deliver by the 11th, it is fine to induce you, if you like to on the 12th at 7am?" I said sure doc!

So if Gavin is still cozy and comfortable inside my tummy still, I am scheduled at Parkview at 7am for induction. Just watch, I will probably have to be induced. I should have kept my mouth shut..."Oh he's gonna be born late August I just know it...Tyler was born 3 weeks early...I am right, stupid ultrasouud is wrong..."

Tyler was a surpise to us since he was so early. Gavin, it's been like a anticipation/anxeity/summer heat kinda feeling. At least my bag is packed this time. So at this point I am just waiting around for those painful contractions to start. I told John, I will get some for an hour, go to the hospital and I will be 7 centimeters and I won't be able to get an epidural.

Wow I'm a little negative ain't I? I should be positive. Shame on me. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Everytime the phone rings I think it's you telling us ITS TIME.

I should pack a bag for Jen for the waiting room. Put in a granola bar, people magazine, and a pack of gum:)

Jaime said...

I might be calling you guys tonight...labor is just around the corner I can feel it...