Wednesday, August 22, 2007

37 week update

Yee haw! I'm almost there.

So I had an ultrasound done tuesday to check the sizes and what not. I had no idea what was on the screen. I mean she did tell me head is down, showed us the femur, and the abdomen. But man oh man, is he crowded in there! John was dissapointed. He thought it would be like it was when we found out we were having a boy.

So Dr. Bryan told us that Gavin is measuring about 6 lbs 8 oz. John asked what her opinion on what he may weigh at birth and she said 7 lbs. 7-8 oz. She asked what tyler weighed, and we said 7 lbs 3 oz.

"God, I have been praying for a healthy baby boy thoughout this entire pregnancy. I know you have had your hand on my belly and on Gavin throughout these weeks. You have blessed me with once again a healthy pregnancy. All I ask that Gavin be born soon. Why you may ask, well if I go to my due date I will be giving birth to a watermelon!!"

So yes, Gavin like puts on the weight in the last weeks. If he is gonna be born weighing 7 lbs 8 oz or so, he better come next week. Or I'm in big trouble.

I also found out Gavin's swimming pool is a little low on water. I mean my amnio fluid is low. I have to pump more liquids into me or she's gonna place me in the hospital so they can do it for me. Kinda scary, but seems easy...drink drink..pee pee pee...drink...pee pee...drink drink...pee pee drink while peeing drink. I thought I was doing pretty darn good in drinking plenty of fliuds, but she said it could be the heat. So I have John my wonderful supporting hubby counting my ounces as they go down. And asking me how much I have drank thoughout the day. I'm waiting to get text messages to remind me or something.

I'm still 1 centimeter by the way...

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