Friday, December 14, 2007

"Attention Shoppers..."

So last night John and I went to target to pick up some stuff that we needed and stuff that we didn't.
A little side note: John is such a sucker. I'm afraid that Tyler will associate target with toys. I think he already thinks target is Toysrus. I'm thrifty. I'm always looking for good gifts but affordable for tyler. So he wants to get tyler this remote control car that is for ages 8+. I said, "It's too big for him and he wouldn't know how to work it." John said, "But he really wants it." I didn't buy that at all. Tyler was actually pointing to another car that was smaller. I just think daddy wanted it!!
okay back to my point of this post. John is a "wanderer". I always have to call him in whatever store we are in, so we can find each other. Well I didn't have my cell phone last night. and John was mis placed again. I said forget it, I'm gonna complete my shopping and just find him later or page him. Well as I was going pass the dog aisle, I hear..."Attention Target customers, will a Jaime Cram please come to aisle 3, your party is waiting for you" Oh my gosh, he didn't. Oh yes he did. There he was waiting for me at aisle 3 with a big smirk on his face. So when I got up to him, I told him in a nice loud voice, "John I was getting your Imodium AD advanced and your Metamucil." That didn't bother him. Just when you think you are gonna get him back, he doesn't care.
Were any of you guys at Target last night?

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