That's how I feel...Tyler takes the words right out of my mouth. But it's cuter when he says it. He is still sick. Tonsillitis and Bronchitis. I have been faithful giving him his Keflex and breathing treatments. We're going to the docs again, maybe to switch antibiotics. He has been on this one since last Monday and he runs a 101 fever. I feel so bad for our little guy. It's been 2-1/2 weeks of this stuff. He has this little raspy voice and coughs like he's been smoking for years. In the middle of the night he coughs, he doesn't sleep, he coughs. If you are a parent you know how that just crushes your heart to hear that through the baby monitor. If I had the powers to do it, I would take it away from him and give it to John. I would give it to me, but I'm pregnant and that would suck being pregnant and having a fever, or not being able to take antibiotics for something. John would understand. =)
We finally got to go to church on Sunday with him, but who knows about this sunday. That's another bum thing, I miss church. I get inspired and pumped after Sunday, it really gets me through my week. Please pray for John and I to get us through the week. Please pray for my health, because I am pregnant and SHOCKED that I haven't picked it up. Did I mention my mother-in-law has a bad case of bronchitis too. It is amzing that I'm still well. I have been out of work too a lot to take care of my little patient as well. But I don't mind that, he needs his mama.
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