Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's a BOY!!

Yup! We are having another boy ladies and gents. John and I found out today and we are soooooooooo excited. John was thrilled because he has been given his 2 sons. I would have loved a girl for my own selfish reasons (to look like me), but I would rather see Tyler with a better playmate. I was kinda nervous that they would say"it's a girl" and then on d day it would be a boy or vice versa. But there is no mistaken in the ultrasound images. This little boy of ours was busy moving all about, the technician almost didn't get a peek. He was sitting indian style most of the time she said, but would always flip. I tell you I have felt "him" move more today then ever, especially during the ultrasound. It was amazing. To see your unborn child move like there is no tomorrow. John asked how much a ultrasound machine cost like he was interested in buying one. Ha! Uh, sorry honey not in our budget, not this lifetime, unless we can borrow Tom Cruise and Katie's.
Oh yeah we already have a name for this child. But wait a few days while I tell family, then I will post. I would hate to have my family "read" about it!


Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! Thanks for sharing. Tyler will be such a great big bro!!!
Aunt Janet

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! O Boy, O Boy!! Cameron and I were feeling boy vibes. We are so happy. It's great to have two boys take it from me. In later years your house will be G.I. Joe, spy and Superhereo headquarters. Congratulations to John, Jaime and Tyler. XXOO Aunt A

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Iam so happy even though I had the girl vibe going on. Wow, boys, boys, boys. I will say boys are easier. How cute to see them play and fight. They will take good care of you when you are old and gray.

Anonymous said...

i am excited! another boy!
i wonder if he will be blonde like john or brown like jaime...

see you soon g****!

i hope i didnt give his awesome name away!