So it was Gavin's dedication on the 18th and we had family over and just oohed and awed over him. Tyler was 8 months old when we dedicated him too. Didn't plan that. Another "fun fact", he was dedicated on December 18th and Gavin was dedicated on May 18th. It was at different churches, but that doesn't matter at all. I know it's hard now having two kids. But my worries now are, potty training, going to bed on time, brushing teeth, picking up toys...nothing like what it will be when they're older. So John and I will do the best we can to raise Tyler and Gavin in a loving Christian home while teaching them what's right and what's wrong. We can only pray that they will continue down the path that they were raised in .

Hey Jaime! Just wanted you to know that I got your blog. Uh-huh. And I never got a chance to respond to your comment on my blog about 'ritas! I didn't forget you girl. I always remember a girl who loves margaritas.
Very cute. :) I told my three year old it would be perfectly okay with me if she stayed three forever.
Her birthday is in a couple of days... she told her Grandma, "It's okay, because mama said I can be three forever."
If only it were that easy.
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