So, tonight was Map's. We were studying Psalms 103 and I really enjoyed it. And I think GOD kicked my butt on the homework. One of the journal questions said to write down one of the benefits that I think that stands out to me...or something like that. I picked forgiveness. He can forgive and forget...he washes it away. That's crazy! I mean I know I'm human. But to say that, "I forgive you and forget..." Can you really? C'mon, really? I mean I have a couple of people I know that I have forgiven, but when I see them or think of the memory I question why I forgave them. He can. I know it's the truth, but I still can't fathom it. He is perfect. He knows we are not perfect, but expects us to try our hardest... NOT to be perfect. I'm a christian and I'm no where near being perfect. No where near. Anyway, I need to stop taking for granted God's "benefit package" that he has for all of us...even you smoking-high schooler-drivers! (had to be there tonight)... If you have like 5 minutes, read Psalms 103 and ponder on the benefits that are given to us by him.

Okay my right ear is screaming with discomfort and I want to go to bed...
What in the world? Where did you get a picture like that? Anyway, hope you feel better.
Google, where else? Hey aren't you suppose to be packing??
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