So I have been having these deep conversations with tyler who is 3 and becoming very curious about everything. I have been getting these, "why" questions and "who's that" questions a lot lately. But when it's time to go "night time" we read a book, pray to know the whole 9 yards. So I have been talking to tyler about Jesus and who he is. Being a 3 year old with an attention span of a fly. It takes a few talks for him to listen and actually learn what we're talking about. So Tyler now knows Jesus lives in his heart. And he loves him very much. He watches over him while he sleeps and protects him throughout the day.
Fast forward to this evening. I was asking him where Jesus lives. (You know throw him off a little since he wasn't in bed-I know sneaky!) He was watching Clifford the big red dog while snacking on some goldfish. The conversation goes like this...
Me: Hey tyler?
Tyler: (silence)
Me: Hey TYLER?
Tyler: (silence)
Tyler: (he makes contact with me...for 2 seconds)
Me: Hey Tyler? Where does Jesus live?
Tyler: In my crackers.
Me: Nice.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
So it was Gavin's dedication on the 18th and we had family over and just oohed and awed over him. Tyler was 8 months old when we dedicated him too. Didn't plan that. Another "fun fact", he was dedicated on December 18th and Gavin was dedicated on May 18th. It was at different churches, but that doesn't matter at all. I know it's hard now having two kids. But my worries now are, potty training, going to bed on time, brushing teeth, picking up toys...nothing like what it will be when they're older. So John and I will do the best we can to raise Tyler and Gavin in a loving Christian home while teaching them what's right and what's wrong. We can only pray that they will continue down the path that they were raised in .

Mama's day!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So on Sunday, I stood their in the row with my family after dedicating Gavin at a time that I'm usually not dressed, eaten, kids together and what not. I sang the most incredible verse...
"Break my heart for what break yours..."
It hit me. God would never NEVER do that. We would. We are human and we tend to do stuff to hurt people on purpose. We don't go to people's parties because they didn't go to yours. You don't give someone a gift because you didn't get one from them. God forgives and forgets. We don't. We say we will. But we don't. I'm guilty of that one too. I need to forget that time and move on. My relationship will be better and healthier too.
Thought I would share.
"Break my heart for what break yours..."
It hit me. God would never NEVER do that. We would. We are human and we tend to do stuff to hurt people on purpose. We don't go to people's parties because they didn't go to yours. You don't give someone a gift because you didn't get one from them. God forgives and forgets. We don't. We say we will. But we don't. I'm guilty of that one too. I need to forget that time and move on. My relationship will be better and healthier too.
Thought I would share.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Benefit Package
So, tonight was Map's. We were studying Psalms 103 and I really enjoyed it. And I think GOD kicked my butt on the homework. One of the journal questions said to write down one of the benefits that I think that stands out to me...or something like that. I picked forgiveness. He can forgive and forget...he washes it away. That's crazy! I mean I know I'm human. But to say that, "I forgive you and forget..." Can you really? C'mon, really? I mean I have a couple of people I know that I have forgiven, but when I see them or think of the memory I question why I forgave them. He can. I know it's the truth, but I still can't fathom it. He is perfect. He knows we are not perfect, but expects us to try our hardest... NOT to be perfect. I'm a christian and I'm no where near being perfect. No where near. Anyway, I need to stop taking for granted God's "benefit package" that he has for all of us...even you smoking-high schooler-drivers! (had to be there tonight)... If you have like 5 minutes, read Psalms 103 and ponder on the benefits that are given to us by him.

Okay my right ear is screaming with discomfort and I want to go to bed...
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