This applies to all future and past posts. I apologize for any typos, mis=spelled words, bad grammar...and so on. You see I type 55 wpm, may not be right all the time due to the following:
-above kids running around me while I type
-above kids climbing on me while I type
-one of the above kids crying while I type
There might be more, but I have to tend to one of the above kids right now, as they are doing one of the above things to me right now...oh Lord help me....!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
staff christmas party
My office...Gris, Michelle, Dr. Jung, me, Daniel, and our Audiologist, Miriam...
We take these pictures because we do those picture christmas card things. What do you think? If you are a doctor in Riverside County, you will be getting one. If not, you can look at this copy.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Black Friday
This is Friday afternoon in the urgent care before the "not nice ladies hurt me" poked Tyler 3 times. He was so out of it, dozing off and everything. His flu bug started early thanksgiving with vomiting anf diarrhea. It sprung on tyler so quick! He couldn't keep nothing down-including Gatorade. So it continued Friday and thats when I decided to take him to urgent care. Big mistake. They tried 3 times to get an IV, but no luck since his poor little veins were mush from being dehydrated. So they admitted him to Riverside Community.
Poor baby, I never have seen him so sick and I have never been so scared. The scared part is probably due to the nurse at Urgent Care. She so nicely told me that her daughter went through the same thing, but almost died!! Nice...

Monday, December 01, 2008
Festival of Trees...and SANTA!
Photographer thought it was funny that he was in the you can see I thought it was hilarious, Gavin-not so much.

So after poor tyler got out of the horsepistol (More on that tomorrow) we decided to take him to go see Santa. We were actually planning on taking him to see Santa on Friday, but being so sick still we went to Urgent Care.
So the whole time we were at Urgent Care and not seeing Santa, poor tyler was being poked and tortured by inexperience nurses (who said they do pediatric IV's all the time). But, like I said more on that tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
...old pics that I never posted
Here are some photos of Gavin that Burgundy took. At 9 months old we did some pictures like these for Tyler. So when Gavin was 9 months I wanted to continue the tradition. Unfortunatle I don't have the one of tyler when he was 9 mths (It's hanging in my mom's front bathroom if you are interested in seeing it)but here are the one's of Gavin...
Funny story I just have to add real quick. When I took off Gavin's diaper right before the photo shoot began, he spotted something he has never seen before. He was quite intregued by this little part between his legs. We actually coudn't get him to focus and look at the camera. But eventually we got his attention with another "toy". But it was hard...

Funny story I just have to add real quick. When I took off Gavin's diaper right before the photo shoot began, he spotted something he has never seen before. He was quite intregued by this little part between his legs. We actually coudn't get him to focus and look at the camera. But eventually we got his attention with another "toy". But it was hard...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What a relief!
As tyler got up to use the potty, I sat there at our dining room table as I finished my turkey sandwich. The next thing I heard was, "Ahhhhhhh....what a relief." Yes, tyler thinks it is a relief to go pee...where on earth did he hear that from? Hmm, maybe I should question John, or question what he is watching...
till next time...too bad I don't have a picture of that!
till next time...too bad I don't have a picture of that!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Guess who's back?
Okay, after several of my blog followers request, I'm here. Okay who am I kidding, two people have asked me to blog again. Just a glimpse of what happened in the last 2 months (man I'm bad)...
We got a dog-cocker spaniel and poodle mix-named bailey. We missed kali so much we had to get another doggy. We still miss kali, but it feels good to have a dog again...and boy is miss bailey energetic! Non-stop playing!

I had a birthday-woo hoo 28 years old! Moving on....
John had his 31st birthday, he went bunging jumping...we didn't bring our camera...stupid.
Gavin turned 1 with Mickey and friends!
And we just went to Oak Glen last Sunday....
We went camping, but those pictures are ont he camera still....I'll pst those next year! Ha!
See you soon! (I promise)
John had his 31st birthday, he went bunging jumping...we didn't bring our camera...stupid.

See you soon! (I promise)
Saturday, August 09, 2008

Our poor Kali girl has gone to doggie heaven tonight. She has left us and all her discomfort and pain she has been going through lately. Gosh, I can't believe she is really gone...
It all started about 2 weeks ago or so when I noticed she was limping around favoring her left leg. I immediately thought it's her knee (she had prior knee surgery in 2004). After checking in with her vet (the best on earth) it was safe to say it wasn't her knee but they were bringing up that it might be her back. I knew then, that one night in the emergency vet clinic back in 2005 when we first found out about her back was resurfacing again.
The doctor wanted to start her on muscle relaxers and pain meds twice a day. He also wanted to do a xray of her back, but I wanted to wait since this could pass just like it did in 2005. But he wanted us to check back with him in a 2 days for her progress and then recheck in a week.
By Tuesday her limping was gone, but she still wasn't herself. I had an apointment that day and thats when we did an xray to see how bad her back had worsen since the last xray in 2005. Well it was bad. Poor little Kali had 5 vertebres just bone-to-bone. Her spine was also curving because of the pressure. We talked then at that time reviewing her films that surgery is do-able because of her age. But he also showed me that her liver seemed kinda enlarged, which concerned him. He did say being on steroids for a month could do it (she needed steroids for another health situation she had months prior) but he wanted to make sure everything checked out good, so he took some blood tests.
Wednesday was the day that changed everything. The results showed a high amalayse count of 14000 and normal limits are within 750. Okay that's bad. Liver count was within normal limits. But it didn't stop there. Her white blood count was high as well. It wasn't pancreatitis, doctor added on another test to check that out. So he was baffled as to what is putting off this bad of an infection in her gut. We started her on some heavy duty anitbiotics.
Thursday-no change...she just was getting worse. I had a ray of hope since she would eat and was barking at the things dogs bark at. Jumping out the doggy door wasn't a problem either. I almost brought her in for the vet to see her. In fact they told me to since the night prior I felt a lump on her side. But I just thought maybe we should give the antibiotics a day or so to kick in... Man kali was a hurt puppy dog. I called he vet and they told me to bring her in and I did. They didn't like that I said her belly was swollen and tight. All my worries and fears came today. The doctor examined her and said she felt a lump, the same lump I felt Wednesday night. She wanted to take another picture to see what is going on here since the tuesday xray just showed an enlarged liver, nothing else.
(This is what I heard)
"Yeh, I have this dog that I'm concerned about and need for you guys to take a look at her tonight..."
"No, I think her constipation and liver problem is secondary to what's going on."
"Yea yea I'm really concered since I felt a mass on physical examination and the new xray shows possibly 2 masses that I don't know where they're coming from."
Doctor comes in my room with her laptop with the images I never wanted to see. So that conversation that I heard right before she came in was to California Vetinary Specialist in Murrieta. She began to show me Kali's xray and tell me that I need to take her to this place in Murrieta because they are the people that can tell me what I'm dealing with and they can do an ultrasound to see if it's operable. RED FLAG!! Whenever anyone tells you if it might not be will not be operable.
We get to this critical care pet emergency clinic (God sent) and are taken back and told even worse news. You know it's going to be bad when the doctor comes in with her head down and sooner than what she said she would be in.
"Well, we found 3 masses inside her belly...and it's not good."
"Well, we found 3 masses inside her belly...and it's not good."
One tumor is on the spleen and pushing the bowel to oneside and there's another...on the lower part of her liver."
"So she has 2 on her liver and the biggest one is on her spleen, so her cancer has metastisized in her abdomen. What this is called is Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen and has spread everywhere"
"At this point (I thought she was going to say we need to put her down) her abdomen is starting to fill with blood from the spleen"
She began to graciously tell me my 3 options I have. I don't really need to tell you all of them since we all know surgery and chemo were number 1 and 2...and the third, well, you know....
she told us xrays don't always show this cancer and since the spleen is a "lay low" kind of organ it's hard to diagnose it early until it's too late. Ultrasounds are your best bet to discover the cancer. But it is an agressive fast growing cancer.
She gave us the option of taking her home with us tonight and loving on her and giving her a "steak dinner" and take her in tomorrow to, you know. I wanted to do that, but John was right, that wouldn't be healthy for me and there is no way I could willingly say goodbye to kali tomorrow as she goes off to die. And the doctor even siad there might be a possibilty that she might bleed out. Chances were slim, but I couldn't have that happen.
So we are all sadden tonight that our little kali has gone to doggy heaven. She was such a good dog. Such a sweet demeanor and loving to everyone. She would give you kisses until her tongue falled off. She would cuddle with you until the morning and beg for food like she has never ate! We are going to miss her so much, but we were able to be with her and love on her just before she was left us. Her last memory of us, was being in my arms kissing her and saying I love you.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Please vote...AGAIN!
Okay, so I don't know if Gavin won the 2nd round or what...but today is the cutoff day to submit his picture for round 3. If he won, I'll post something tomorrow, if not please vote again!!
So here it goes for Gavin on 104.3 fm's website. For their beautiful baby contest. Gavin will have a shot at winning $20,000 for a college education...because you know that will only cover books, right?
So here it goes for Gavin on 104.3 fm's website. For their beautiful baby contest. Gavin will have a shot at winning $20,000 for a college education...because you know that will only cover books, right?
Anyway, voting starts Wednesday the 6th and last until Sunday the 10th. Go to and click the top banner where it says..."My beautiful baby contest..." and that will take you to the round 3 galleries and all the rules. BUT if you check the page out today it will only show round 2 galleries still. So PLEASE check back Wednesday (8/6) and vote. I think all you have to do is register your name and email and to vote you will need to have a email account...who doesn't have those...
Here is the picture I submitted for round 3 so you know what beautiful baby you are looking for...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Please vote!
I'm not talking abuot the presidential election for Gavin on 104.3 fm's website. For their beautiful baby contest. Gavin will have a shot at winning $20,000 for a college education...beause you know that will only cover books, right?
Anyway, voting starts tomorrow the 30th and last until Sunday the 3rd. Go to and click the top banner where it says..."My beautiful baby contest..." and that will take you to the round 2 galleries and all the rules. BUT if you check the page out today it will only show round 1 galleries still. So PLEASE check back tomorrow (7/30) and vote. I think all you have to do is register your name and email and to vote you will need to have a email account...who doesn't have those...
Here is the picture I submitted so you know what beautiful baby you are looking for...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What is wrong with me??
So you guessed it, the HIDA scan results were negative. Well, that's what I make from it. See, that's a problem you have when you work in the medical field. I got my results because I couldn't wait for a call back from my doc. So I took the liberty to get it myself (don't ask) and well it didn't say anything bad. But Monday, I had another attack that sent me home. I called my doctor's office and they said they would give me a call back with my results and to see what the next step was. Well, I'm actually one step ahead of them, but I am still waiting for that call...
So I'm gonna go ahead and diagnose my stomach problems as "gallbladder problems" until I get a call back or something otherwise is diagnosed.
So I'm gonna go ahead and diagnose my stomach problems as "gallbladder problems" until I get a call back or something otherwise is diagnosed.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Below is what I had done today. It's called a HIDA scan. In non-medical terms, it basically shows if the liver, gallbladder and all those bile ducts work. First I was injected with radioactive "stuff" (I know cool, huh?) and then this machine takes pictures for an hour. So I was able to lay down for an hour...that was the only perk. I shut my eyes and just rested, it was nice...

Anyway, I don't know what the results are yet I will have to call my doctor in a few days to find out. I know this sounds crazy, but I hope they found something on this scan today. I have had an xray of my gallbladder, a ultrasound of my gallbladder, barium swallow, and now this. I do have pain in my stomach, I really do. I feel like these doctors are suspecting that I may be making these things up. But I'm not and really wish I was. It's an awful gnawing pain which brings nausea and vomiting with it. It seems like I have been having more attacks lately in the past 6 months. I just hope someone finds a answer for me.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Extreme crying

I just got done watching last sunday's show (takes a week to watch my tivo's shows sometimes) and bawled my eyes out. The family that they were helping lost both their mom and dad and now leave with their aunt (mom's sis), with their aunts kids. Their dad was killed in a car accident maybe 5 years ago. And then after ttheir mom stated dating again, found a guy that turned out to be phsyco when she dumped him and started stalking her and her kids. Well unfortunately he shot and killed the mom and her boyfriend in the middle of the night. The boyfriend would stay over to protect them and make sure nothing would happen. Well, the impossible happened. To make it even worse. The oldest daughter was sleeping right by her mom when it happened. AND she was also in the car with her dad when they got in a accident. So this poor 13 year (age she is now) has seen both her parents die. How awful! Anyway, now they are living with their aunt and unlce and their kids. They are truely blessed with great family and now a beautiful home where they can all enjoy.
I love this show...pass me the kleenex...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Just saying...
For those of "you" out there lurking behind every corner, every booth, every aisle...stop and listen to what I have to say.
I'm a mom of two. I wouldn't trade being a mom to tyler and gavin for anything in the world. I have my "calgon take me away" days and I have my "kids are the best" days. Today was the calgon day. I had an appointment to see my doctor and I took my two kiddos with me. Honestly I was like, "I can do this, gavin will sleep in the back and tyler will get out when I'm in the room (double stroller). I brought books, crayons, hot wheels, dum-dum's, you name it I was prepared. You would think this would be my first adventure out of the house with two kids. It didn't go as planned.
First of all I wanted to park in the back so tyler wouldn't see the fountain that is right in front of Riverside Medical Clinic. I succeded on that part- yes! Then we strolled on by his floor that he is use to, pediatrics. And of course he remembers that he gets to play with the neat little toys. This is where it began..."Mama, I wanna play toys" I told him he can when we go upstairs. I tried to sidetrack him and telling him can push the buttons on the elevator. Yea the elevator!! Tyler loves the elevator. So he pushes the up arrow and we wait...and we wait...and wiat...then a "friendly" nurse comes over and tells me, "You're not gonna go anywhere if you don't push a button my dear." I quickly pray to my God in heaven to put a zipper on my mouth and say, "I know how it works and I pushed it." Nurse friendly says,"the light wasn't on, the button has to be lite." (she starts to push it...keeps pushing it since it doesn't light up on her) I say, "obviously there is a probl;em with the button, eh?" It lights up right then. "No, it works fine", she says. I pray some more...
We get in and Nurse pain in my butt presses 2. I need 3 and so does this nice older gentlemen and his son. The older gentlemen says, "3 please?" and goes to push it, since nurse pain in my butt is ignoring him. She quickly slaps his hand (no just kidding). She says,"No, we have to wait until we get to floor 2 then you can push it." I roll my eyes since I'm behind her. The older gentlemen just stands there and his son gives her a look because she can't see him either. 2nd floor comes and she gets off. And we all say something as soon as those doors close. I laugh and say, "didn't know these things come with instruction, maybe they should invest in a bell hop!" they laugh and the son says he won't say what he really wants to say since I have two kids in the elevator...yikes!
So I stroll on over to check in and tyler is still saying he wants to play toys over and over and over and over and you get my drift. I get embarrassed since people are staring. It's like no one on earth has ever had a 3 year old, I'm the only one. Everyone else's kid just miracously skips 2-4 years of age and is perfect. So I tell him in a minute (like he understands that) and he quits. Yes, silence. I pay my ridiculous copay and then he asks, "mama are you done yet?" "Yes tyler I am." Then I'm sure you can imagine what he asks me then...
I stroll on to the back of the room so I won't annoy everybody. If I was mean, I would sit right in the middle of the crowd, but I'm sweet as apple pie. I sit down and start to fill out my paper work. Tyler is just getting into playing with his cars. Then I hear, "Jaime Cram?" I stand up and smile and tell tyler to come on. He follows fine, but the whole way he is saying, you guessed it! I wanna play cars I wanna play cars I wanna play cars....
We get back to the little vital station where they do their 5 check point service thingy. I'm telling tyler to stop asking me. He keeps on asking me. I tell him if he continues I am gonna take him to the "bathroom" (he knows what that means). He says, "I don't wanna a spakin". I tell him, "then stop". The nurse puts on the blood pressure cuff and takes my tempurature. 98.5-perfect. 138/75. "WHAT? It's never that high. why is it high?" (like she really knows that answer) In between asking her that stupid question, I told tyler to stop 3 times. She laughed and said I might be a little stressed. Uh, yea I guess.
Anyway, tyler was fine inside the room while I saw the doctor. We go down the hardest working elevator in Riverside and go to leave the building. But right before I could leave of course Tyler had to start saying, "mama, I wanna play cars. I wanna play cars." And I tell him, "You can tyler when we get home, so stop asking me." He says, "But-I-wanna-play-cars-" AND THEN I just had to hear "Oh my goodness". I stopped and turned around to see where this comment was spewed and saw this--girl sitting in the corner staring at me and my kids and is obviously the culprit of her crime. Yea, it's a crime to judge a mom if you haven't done it yet. Teeny boppers! Ugh! So I didn't say anything, but I gave ger the dirtyest uglyest face my face could give her. She received it and quickly smiled. I felt better.
I mean tyler is 3. He has his moments and today was not even half of his moments. I feel for moms when I see them in public struggling with their kids. You just never know what that mom is going through or what kind of day she is having or worse, what the kid is going through. You don't know if that kid has a illness or has a behaviorial problem or if the mom is having a poopy day. So don't judge, don't be quick to spew your rude comments aloud because you too will someday be there and you will remember my dirtyest uglyest face that I gave you...just saying...
I'm just saying...
I'm a mom of two. I wouldn't trade being a mom to tyler and gavin for anything in the world. I have my "calgon take me away" days and I have my "kids are the best" days. Today was the calgon day. I had an appointment to see my doctor and I took my two kiddos with me. Honestly I was like, "I can do this, gavin will sleep in the back and tyler will get out when I'm in the room (double stroller). I brought books, crayons, hot wheels, dum-dum's, you name it I was prepared. You would think this would be my first adventure out of the house with two kids. It didn't go as planned.
First of all I wanted to park in the back so tyler wouldn't see the fountain that is right in front of Riverside Medical Clinic. I succeded on that part- yes! Then we strolled on by his floor that he is use to, pediatrics. And of course he remembers that he gets to play with the neat little toys. This is where it began..."Mama, I wanna play toys" I told him he can when we go upstairs. I tried to sidetrack him and telling him can push the buttons on the elevator. Yea the elevator!! Tyler loves the elevator. So he pushes the up arrow and we wait...and we wait...and wiat...then a "friendly" nurse comes over and tells me, "You're not gonna go anywhere if you don't push a button my dear." I quickly pray to my God in heaven to put a zipper on my mouth and say, "I know how it works and I pushed it." Nurse friendly says,"the light wasn't on, the button has to be lite." (she starts to push it...keeps pushing it since it doesn't light up on her) I say, "obviously there is a probl;em with the button, eh?" It lights up right then. "No, it works fine", she says. I pray some more...
We get in and Nurse pain in my butt presses 2. I need 3 and so does this nice older gentlemen and his son. The older gentlemen says, "3 please?" and goes to push it, since nurse pain in my butt is ignoring him. She quickly slaps his hand (no just kidding). She says,"No, we have to wait until we get to floor 2 then you can push it." I roll my eyes since I'm behind her. The older gentlemen just stands there and his son gives her a look because she can't see him either. 2nd floor comes and she gets off. And we all say something as soon as those doors close. I laugh and say, "didn't know these things come with instruction, maybe they should invest in a bell hop!" they laugh and the son says he won't say what he really wants to say since I have two kids in the elevator...yikes!
So I stroll on over to check in and tyler is still saying he wants to play toys over and over and over and over and you get my drift. I get embarrassed since people are staring. It's like no one on earth has ever had a 3 year old, I'm the only one. Everyone else's kid just miracously skips 2-4 years of age and is perfect. So I tell him in a minute (like he understands that) and he quits. Yes, silence. I pay my ridiculous copay and then he asks, "mama are you done yet?" "Yes tyler I am." Then I'm sure you can imagine what he asks me then...
I stroll on to the back of the room so I won't annoy everybody. If I was mean, I would sit right in the middle of the crowd, but I'm sweet as apple pie. I sit down and start to fill out my paper work. Tyler is just getting into playing with his cars. Then I hear, "Jaime Cram?" I stand up and smile and tell tyler to come on. He follows fine, but the whole way he is saying, you guessed it! I wanna play cars I wanna play cars I wanna play cars....
We get back to the little vital station where they do their 5 check point service thingy. I'm telling tyler to stop asking me. He keeps on asking me. I tell him if he continues I am gonna take him to the "bathroom" (he knows what that means). He says, "I don't wanna a spakin". I tell him, "then stop". The nurse puts on the blood pressure cuff and takes my tempurature. 98.5-perfect. 138/75. "WHAT? It's never that high. why is it high?" (like she really knows that answer) In between asking her that stupid question, I told tyler to stop 3 times. She laughed and said I might be a little stressed. Uh, yea I guess.
Anyway, tyler was fine inside the room while I saw the doctor. We go down the hardest working elevator in Riverside and go to leave the building. But right before I could leave of course Tyler had to start saying, "mama, I wanna play cars. I wanna play cars." And I tell him, "You can tyler when we get home, so stop asking me." He says, "But-I-wanna-play-cars-" AND THEN I just had to hear "Oh my goodness". I stopped and turned around to see where this comment was spewed and saw this--girl sitting in the corner staring at me and my kids and is obviously the culprit of her crime. Yea, it's a crime to judge a mom if you haven't done it yet. Teeny boppers! Ugh! So I didn't say anything, but I gave ger the dirtyest uglyest face my face could give her. She received it and quickly smiled. I felt better.
I mean tyler is 3. He has his moments and today was not even half of his moments. I feel for moms when I see them in public struggling with their kids. You just never know what that mom is going through or what kind of day she is having or worse, what the kid is going through. You don't know if that kid has a illness or has a behaviorial problem or if the mom is having a poopy day. So don't judge, don't be quick to spew your rude comments aloud because you too will someday be there and you will remember my dirtyest uglyest face that I gave you...just saying...
I'm just saying...
Friday, June 06, 2008

So you can only imagine what tyler really means when he comes running to tell me this...
(mind you this is what it sounded like, not what he really said) Tyler: Mama? It won't shit.
Mama: What did you just say?
Tyler: It won't shit mama. It won't shit.
Mama: (knowing what he is trying to tell me now, I begin to laugh histarically) you mean it won't FIT?
Tyler: yea. Shix it mama.
Mama: Okay tyler I will FIX it so it will FIT.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Jesus moved
So I have been having these deep conversations with tyler who is 3 and becoming very curious about everything. I have been getting these, "why" questions and "who's that" questions a lot lately. But when it's time to go "night time" we read a book, pray to know the whole 9 yards. So I have been talking to tyler about Jesus and who he is. Being a 3 year old with an attention span of a fly. It takes a few talks for him to listen and actually learn what we're talking about. So Tyler now knows Jesus lives in his heart. And he loves him very much. He watches over him while he sleeps and protects him throughout the day.
Fast forward to this evening. I was asking him where Jesus lives. (You know throw him off a little since he wasn't in bed-I know sneaky!) He was watching Clifford the big red dog while snacking on some goldfish. The conversation goes like this...
Me: Hey tyler?
Tyler: (silence)
Me: Hey TYLER?
Tyler: (silence)
Tyler: (he makes contact with me...for 2 seconds)
Me: Hey Tyler? Where does Jesus live?
Tyler: In my crackers.
Me: Nice.
Fast forward to this evening. I was asking him where Jesus lives. (You know throw him off a little since he wasn't in bed-I know sneaky!) He was watching Clifford the big red dog while snacking on some goldfish. The conversation goes like this...
Me: Hey tyler?
Tyler: (silence)
Me: Hey TYLER?
Tyler: (silence)
Tyler: (he makes contact with me...for 2 seconds)
Me: Hey Tyler? Where does Jesus live?
Tyler: In my crackers.
Me: Nice.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
So it was Gavin's dedication on the 18th and we had family over and just oohed and awed over him. Tyler was 8 months old when we dedicated him too. Didn't plan that. Another "fun fact", he was dedicated on December 18th and Gavin was dedicated on May 18th. It was at different churches, but that doesn't matter at all. I know it's hard now having two kids. But my worries now are, potty training, going to bed on time, brushing teeth, picking up toys...nothing like what it will be when they're older. So John and I will do the best we can to raise Tyler and Gavin in a loving Christian home while teaching them what's right and what's wrong. We can only pray that they will continue down the path that they were raised in .

Mama's day!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So on Sunday, I stood their in the row with my family after dedicating Gavin at a time that I'm usually not dressed, eaten, kids together and what not. I sang the most incredible verse...
"Break my heart for what break yours..."
It hit me. God would never NEVER do that. We would. We are human and we tend to do stuff to hurt people on purpose. We don't go to people's parties because they didn't go to yours. You don't give someone a gift because you didn't get one from them. God forgives and forgets. We don't. We say we will. But we don't. I'm guilty of that one too. I need to forget that time and move on. My relationship will be better and healthier too.
Thought I would share.
"Break my heart for what break yours..."
It hit me. God would never NEVER do that. We would. We are human and we tend to do stuff to hurt people on purpose. We don't go to people's parties because they didn't go to yours. You don't give someone a gift because you didn't get one from them. God forgives and forgets. We don't. We say we will. But we don't. I'm guilty of that one too. I need to forget that time and move on. My relationship will be better and healthier too.
Thought I would share.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Benefit Package
So, tonight was Map's. We were studying Psalms 103 and I really enjoyed it. And I think GOD kicked my butt on the homework. One of the journal questions said to write down one of the benefits that I think that stands out to me...or something like that. I picked forgiveness. He can forgive and forget...he washes it away. That's crazy! I mean I know I'm human. But to say that, "I forgive you and forget..." Can you really? C'mon, really? I mean I have a couple of people I know that I have forgiven, but when I see them or think of the memory I question why I forgave them. He can. I know it's the truth, but I still can't fathom it. He is perfect. He knows we are not perfect, but expects us to try our hardest... NOT to be perfect. I'm a christian and I'm no where near being perfect. No where near. Anyway, I need to stop taking for granted God's "benefit package" that he has for all of us...even you smoking-high schooler-drivers! (had to be there tonight)... If you have like 5 minutes, read Psalms 103 and ponder on the benefits that are given to us by him.

Okay my right ear is screaming with discomfort and I want to go to bed...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma!
My grandma is telling everyone to be quiet about her age! I think she looks great for her age. She stills has some spunk left in here!

I know I'm a was my grandma's 88th birthday last friday (25th). We celebrated by going to the Cheese Cake Factory with all the family. I have never tried vanilla bean cheese cake.....mmmmmmmm good.
Anyway, I love you grandma and I'm sure you know this. Hope you have a blessed year ahead!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sniff sniff
I'm sick and it sucks. Lately I have been getting bronchitis like it's going out of style. I have had it 3 times in the past year and a half. I think I may be getting a cold and BOOM- bronchitis. Any way I feel like crap.
Monday, April 21, 2008

So John called and said he was coming home "earlier" than he thought. I was like, "Cool"! He then told me he had a surprise for me. So you can imagine what I was, a gift, a subway 6 inch vegie delite! <--those were delicious when I was pregnant.
So John comes walking in the door with his shirt off. And as soon as I saw the little tape on his collar bone and his childish little grin...I knew it was his tattoo that was my surprise.
The tattoo was not the surprise, it was actually the day he did it. I knew he wanted to get this tatoo, but didn't know when. Well him and my brother were "sneaking" behind my back for the past 2 weeks trying to draw up the artwork and set up an apoointment. Well, you guys pulled it off!
For those of you that are I don't care he got a tattoo. I mean come on, a tattoo doesn't change a person's personality or what they stand for. People are judged in soceity today because they don't look "normal". There called weird and crazy, and automatically assume they rob banks. I mean look at my brother, he has a lot of tattoo's...and he is the most sensitive guy I know. AND he hasn't robbed a bank...that I know of (heehee). As of Friday, John is still the same guy I met 10 years ago, the same guy I married 5 years ago, and the same guy I had dinner with last night.
So I get to rub lotion on his tattoo like 3-4 times a day, wow I'm a lucky girl!
Tyler's 3rd Birthday Part 2
Okay so the kid is lucky...a whole week of celebrating. We had his "Cars" party last Saturday. It was hot, fun and the air conditioner was hardley working in our community's clubhouse. But I did say it was fun.
Where's Justin??

Tyler's 3rd Birthday
Okay here it is, like I promised you!
We went to Island's (tyler and daddy's favorite restaurant) with the fam.

I'm a blogging fool right now!
I'm home sick today again with Bronchitis. So enjoy my posts.
Here is some random cram love. Excuse John for his nakedness...actually don't tell him I posted this picture.
Gavin is looking at the light from our lamp...tyler knows what the camera is now...
I needed some love too...tyler helped me take this one!
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