Friday, March 28, 2008

Say my name, say my name...
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

So I guess Jaime Cram is very original...or most english speaking females don't spell my name like "Hi-me" (Jaime) they spell it the normal way, J-a-m-i-e. Thanks parents! And mom, my name doesn't mean I love you in french. I took 2 years of it and never came acorss it. J'aime is the verb for 'I love' though. Close but no cigar!


Anonymous said...

I actually had a lady contact me through myspace asking me about the history of my name. She named her now, 9 year old daughter Burgundy and she supposedly hates it. Go figure...I changed my name to patricia when i was 9 because i hated my name too. now i love it and am glad to know there are other me's out there too!

Anonymous said...

Although my first name is over 2000 in popularity and my last name about 15,000 together makes me the only one in the USA with my name. ha ha. I am unique!