Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's happening?

Well, lets see.
Got my haircut. Finally. It's been driving me nuts, getting so hot and it's too much work. So I hacked it off and donated it to locks of love.
Speaking of being hot. No, I'm not saying I am, but...Its actually one of my symptoms that I have been experiencing for about 5 months now. The other ones are...trembling hands and legs, weakness, rapid heart beat, sweating, and losing weight. Of course the last one is a nice! I finally found out it is my Thyroid...more on how I found out later.
So, I have a hyperthyroidism. I can't stand a "ism" diagnosis. It makes it sound so bad and real. I go see an Endocrinologist on Friday to find out what he may suggest and to see if I need more blood work. Which I will...again, more on that later.
So I'm thinking if they put me on medicine to control it, I should probably wait until I lose all the weight I want then start the meds!! What do you think?
BTW...just kidding...

1 comment:

Casey Angulo said...

Man, I would love a to have that problem. I need to drop a couple pounds. :) Love the new hair cut.