Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Story: Part Two

So I saw my Endocrinologist on Friday, and my diagnosis is....Hyperthyroidism (HT) caused by Grave's Disease. I know, sounds pretty "deathly". I mean, didn't Dr. Grave have the decency to name it something that didn't sound like death?

Grave's Disease isn't as bad as it sounds. There are many causes of HT, Grave's is most common. Common symptom/sign is the protruding eyes...Mine aren't like this because the doc said we caught it in time.

So I have options....
1. Stay on medicine until my thyroid ges back to normal...(months? years?)
2. Do Radio Iodine Therapy...Hulk style
3. Surgery....bye bye thyroid

So, if I stay on medicine, I don't think it will control my Grave's Disease...but my thyroid. So then i would do the radio therapy or surgery. Most likely radio therapy, but have a goiter.

So wouldn't you think to get rid of it, I would have surgery? I'm confused and don't really want to think about it. Most of all, I will need to pray about what will be right for me in the long run. A lot to think about now. But I know God will lead me in the right way.

I am on medicine right now along with a blood pressure medicine since my heart rate is so high. But the blood pressure medicine is only temporary, but the thyroid medicine is permenant until I choose an option.

So pray for me. My symptoms are awful, some days I feel like jumping out of my skin and other days I'm tired and weak. My patience is so thin with my little kiddos and it sucks. People think it's not a big deal to have a thyroid problem since you look normal on the outside. But your thyroid controls so much in your body. Stuff that I didn't know until now.

I will keep all my bloggy blog friends updated, of course as i get them...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Story

So my doc is on maternity leave and I get stuck with Dr. Frankenstein. Yeh, that's right. But they pronounce it "steen", but after being treated by him, it's the square forehead hands out walking guy...

I was born with a heart murmor-no big deal. So he heard it and informed me. I told him I knew. He then asked me why I didn't tell him. (fair question) I told him every doctor that I have came across lately have not heard it. He understood.

I was telling him my symptoms and he asked where I worked. I dread telling docs I work for one, because they tend to stereotype. (I do) They think you think you know it all. You research everything. (I do--but just to gain knowledge not a's hyperthyroidism =) ) So I told him I wasn't one of "those". He laughed and didn't believe me.

He tells me he thinks I might have an infection "somewhere" in my body and he wants to do some blood work. I asked him he if thought it was my thyroid. He said, "Oh no, your thyroid looks fine." (Mind you he never touched my throat! Just heard my heart...for 10 mintues) "But" he said, "I will check it anyway." Well gee thanks Doctor, because that's what I paid my $25 copay for. For you to assess me and LISTEN to me that I have lost 25 pounds in 2-1/2 months. Not what just you heard. So of course I have no infection in my body, just a whacked out Thyroid.

He wants to see me in a month. I don't care to go, but it would be fun to say I told you so.

FYI...this is coming from someone that works for a doctor. Some people have to manage their own care. Help the doc along. Because sometimes doctors get use to diagnosing one thing and don't really look at the whole picture. I just have a measley thyroid problem, thank God it wasn't my heart or anything else.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's happening?

Well, lets see.
Got my haircut. Finally. It's been driving me nuts, getting so hot and it's too much work. So I hacked it off and donated it to locks of love.
Speaking of being hot. No, I'm not saying I am, but...Its actually one of my symptoms that I have been experiencing for about 5 months now. The other ones are...trembling hands and legs, weakness, rapid heart beat, sweating, and losing weight. Of course the last one is a nice! I finally found out it is my Thyroid...more on how I found out later.
So, I have a hyperthyroidism. I can't stand a "ism" diagnosis. It makes it sound so bad and real. I go see an Endocrinologist on Friday to find out what he may suggest and to see if I need more blood work. Which I will...again, more on that later.
So I'm thinking if they put me on medicine to control it, I should probably wait until I lose all the weight I want then start the meds!! What do you think?
BTW...just kidding...