I was able to do things because of...

So today at church Pastor Matt challenged us so to speak...what can I do to make christmas more "simple"...he went onto explain how people tend to overdo this season and in doing that, they forget what the true meaning of christmas really is.
So, this is what I will do. I am making christmas cookies shaped as...nothing. No christmas tree this year family. Just a plain old circle. I know I know. "That is stupid jaime" But really it isn't. It took me hours last year to make christmas tree cookies. I had to roll the dough out, cookie cut it, roll oit out again...cut it...roll...cut...you get the idea. Very time consuming. And since I have a little one now to add to the picture it is hard. I did tacos last year. This year I am doing lasagna. Frozen that is thanks to stoufers. For a minute I was going to make the lasagna by hand, than I slapped myself out of it. I always overdo stuff because I love to shower my family and guest with great food and to entertain them. I always want everyone to have a great time.

The round ones are totally easier to eat... Hey Dr. Paddie wants to know if your cousin's dog rusty would like to be a husband to Spot's puppy Millie. He is looking to hook miss Millie up and thinks rusty is adorable...
I know this is way beyond my job duties....
How was your Christmas?
When are you bringing the boys by to meet us?
Miss You!
Little guys. So precious! Thanks for the shower by the way.
Oh it's Burg by the way.
I am so anxious to get those little guys in front of the camera! I told justin but he said you were going to someone else. Go figure!
Hey Jaime!
I found your blog via Justin's and love it.
It was awesome to get to talk with you at Night MAP's first meeting last week. I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better.
Dawn Carter
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