I'm gonna side track myself (and everyone else) from this whole labor progress with my birthday. Yesterday my family came over and helped me celebrate my 27th birthday with pizza, salad and yummy sundaes! It was one birthday I will never forget. I went crazy emotional on everyone and just broke out in tears for some reason. All I remember...I just got off the phone with Marcellos whom we order our pizza from. They apparently lost the credit card number of John's grandma's credit card so they cant charge the pizza. Well after 10 mintues of John's grandma scolding them on the phone and how they can take her idenity and then to here my mom and John's mom talk about how they are scamming us, and also to hear in the background the guys laughing at me because I'm so big and ready to pop-just kinda got to me. So I told everyone to shush, and at that moment Tyler pulled down a pizza box full of pizza in the kitchen. I of course couldn't get made at him. He just wanted pizza. Then in desperation I looked at John (who was one of the guys on the couch laughing how big I was) to help with the situation and I just lost it. Just out of frustration I guess. I told my mom to lock me in my room until the night was over. It is definately hard to control your emotions when you are pregnant and this far along. Plus it annoyed me that the the stupid US open was on and all the guys were lined up on the couch watching it, except for my brother, who was playing with Tyler's batman and superman figures. But at the end of the day I felt bad that I got crazy, because it was all very nice that everyone pitched in to help make my birthday special for me. So thank you to my family! I feel loved. Soon very soon everyone can have the real Jaime back...
You didnt mention how good that salad I made was.
Tennis bores me.
The salad Justin made was delicious! Probably the best part of the meal.
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