Today was one of Gavin's "first" first. We broke out the baby book and put it in. He was such a good baby. Didn't even cry once, which makes it easier. The whole family got involved in this milestone event. There is even a video!! WHoo hoo!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
New and old
My family came out to see Gavin for the first time on Sunday. My little Grandma was crying because she knows she is old and wants to be around for her great grandchildren. I know she is happy that she got to see Gavin. Here is a neat picture of what new life and a "mature" life resembles...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My day
So this was my day...
Tyler loves his tunnel and had fun playing with daddy in it. But by the end of the day he was pooped. He climbed in our bed by himself and got under the covers and conked out. That little fart always wants to sleep in "mama daddys bed". But we try to be strong since he already has issues with his big boy bed...

Big Bee Update 2
So this one is of all the honeycomb/hives/dead bees that were in our strucure of our home. Pretty crazy. These are 4 black trash bags filled to the rim.
By the way did I mention this was done like 2 days before I gave birth, and KB actually painted a sealed "additional" gaps in our home while I was giving birth. Yes that's right folks, I did say "additional". John walked around our house with the bee removal experts and spotted our to John other gaps. What a nightmare...still in the process of getting KB to help with the bill.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
"Make a joyful noise to the Lord"
That indeed was the song that was playing in my little CD player in my room when Gavin Robert Cram was brought into this world on tuesday September 11th at 8:25am. Right smack on his due date. I'm still in shock of all how it went down, but I am so glad he is finally here and healthy.
I know I said I would write before I went to the hospital, (and I almost did) but John talked me out of it and boy am I glad, because the way things happened I could have had this baby in the car. What I mean is...
As soon as I rolled out of bed, BAM! Ouch! Crap! Hee hee hoo hee hee hoo...whoowhoowhoo. I didn't even bother to write them or count them. I knew these were the ones that get babies born. So I got ready real quick called my mom at 7:04am and then woke john up at 7:08am and then I called my sister and Rod at 7:09am (Rod watched Tyler for us), called John's mom at 7:14am. By 7:27am we were getting in the car leaving for the hospital hitting all the nicely paved streets of Riverside (joking). John ran red lights and honked and flashed his lights at slow people on the freeway. I was worried, but they needed to go a little bit faster. We arrive at Parkview Hospital at 7:47am they wheeled me to labor and delivery. My room was ready since I called ahead. My nurse Judy checked me and I was at 7cm, totally thinned out and at 0 station...WHAT! 7cm? I knew at this point there was no way i was gonna have a epidural. I began to panick (I was contemplating throughout this whole pregnancy...epidural? or no?--I even told John in the car on the way over I was definately having a epidural because I was such in pain). I just remember crying in fear that I was about to face the worse thing in my life. It actually wasn't that bad. It does feel good to push, really it does. And when all is said and done, you feel good. Anyway, I progressed real quick. Judy checked me a total of 3 times. First I was 7cm. Second my water broke and I was at 9cm. Lastly, I was completly dilated. After that last check I was like I have to push. I suddenly felt weak, but really had to push. Good thing the doctor was there getting ready. The nurses were asking John how long I pushed last time. Heehee...PUSH! I have to push. At first I thought no one was listening to me. So yeah I pushed, pushed, pushed...Gavin was born! Yeah! Of course they had to take all the precautions since he passed meconium (his poop), so they really suctioned him good and John did the honors of cutting the cord.
He spent a entire hour and a half on my chest. It was wonderful. I remember hearing the background again on my CD player, "How great is our God"...perfect songs for such a perfect occasion. Here are some pics that you are dying to see...
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Is this a tank top?"
Yes, that is what my good 'ol innocent husband said as he was folding the clothes today. I looked up to see which one of my tank tops he was folding. It wasn't a tank top, it was my maternity underwear. I know, embarassing. Truth be told I bought a bigger size than normal--can't really try them on in the store to see my size, so I guestimated. I was wrong. I hardly wear those anyway since I found my correct size a week later. But you know when laundry is low you have to compromise. I laughed. So did John. I burned them.
So my contractions came for a visit I guess. They were indeed contractions. But not strong enough to stay or cause me to cry out in pain either. So we will see tomorrow. I get it Gavin. You are testing me. I get it God. You are in control.
So my contractions came for a visit I guess. They were indeed contractions. But not strong enough to stay or cause me to cry out in pain either. So we will see tomorrow. I get it Gavin. You are testing me. I get it God. You are in control.
Happy Birthday to me!

I'm gonna side track myself (and everyone else) from this whole labor progress with my birthday. Yesterday my family came over and helped me celebrate my 27th birthday with pizza, salad and yummy sundaes! It was one birthday I will never forget. I went crazy emotional on everyone and just broke out in tears for some reason. All I remember...I just got off the phone with Marcellos whom we order our pizza from. They apparently lost the credit card number of John's grandma's credit card so they cant charge the pizza. Well after 10 mintues of John's grandma scolding them on the phone and how they can take her idenity and then to here my mom and John's mom talk about how they are scamming us, and also to hear in the background the guys laughing at me because I'm so big and ready to pop-just kinda got to me. So I told everyone to shush, and at that moment Tyler pulled down a pizza box full of pizza in the kitchen. I of course couldn't get made at him. He just wanted pizza. Then in desperation I looked at John (who was one of the guys on the couch laughing how big I was) to help with the situation and I just lost it. Just out of frustration I guess. I told my mom to lock me in my room until the night was over. It is definately hard to control your emotions when you are pregnant and this far along. Plus it annoyed me that the the stupid US open was on and all the guys were lined up on the couch watching it, except for my brother, who was playing with Tyler's batman and superman figures. But at the end of the day I felt bad that I got crazy, because it was all very nice that everyone pitched in to help make my birthday special for me. So thank you to my family! I feel loved. Soon very soon everyone can have the real Jaime back...
I never thought I would be so happy to have contractions in all my life. First I was like, "what is that feeling..." Way different than when I was in labor with Tyler. But as the hours went on, oh yeah that is a contraction. But on the good 'ol scale of's probably like a 1-1/2. It only bothers me when it's the intense peak of the contraction. But not bad enough to...take a shower, watch a episode of racheal ray, and to have something to eat. Now I will get ready. Then I will count. Maybe by then they will be intense...stay tuned!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Some celebration...
...just not baby celebrating. It's birthday celebration and it's mine exactly. A day early, but well worth it. My in-laws took me out to dinner tonight for my birthday. We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory. Loved my meal and the bread was fresh and hot all the time. I found out tonight that almost 10 month pregnant chicks don't fit well in a booth so I sat on the end in a chair. I also found out that sitting in a chair is uncomfortable at almost 10 months pregnant. But then again, so is sitting in the booth. I'm so uncomfortable you guys it's pitiful. I don't even want to go out places because I'm huge and nothing fits anymore. My pants fall down since my belly is so low and my shirts don't even cover my belly anymore because it's so darn big! Maybe Gavin will be my birthday present from God. We have the next 24 hours to accomplish that. If not, we're looking at the 10th, which is cool because John's boss said he would give me $200 if he was born on his birthday. Or the good old due date on the 11th, which is probably the outlook I should have by now. And if all else fails, my planned induction at 7am. Either way I will have a baby by wednesday. So we have:
9th-Birthday present
11th-EDD right on the dot
Anyone care to make a bet!!
9th-Birthday present
11th-EDD right on the dot
Anyone care to make a bet!!

Friday, September 07, 2007
The timing has almost come...
I feel it in my pelvic bones that is. Gavin is almost here...It's hard for me to say that since I have been wrong in the past. But I have very hard evidence that shows me the birth is imminent. Of course I will keep you posted. I will blog right before I leave for the hospital. Well if I'm not in crazy pain.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Big Bee Update
So yes we have a bad bee problem. There is a gap in one of our eaves in the roof which let the bees go in to our house and make a pretty big size honeycomb hive. The bee experts say its probably around 40 pounds or so with as many as 1000 bees at any given time. Our little bees are feeding the queen bee wherever she lives. So, we're talking big bucks to fix this big problem. We have gotten estimates from $750-$3000. We are obviously going with the lower number.
So of course with the arrival of Gavin just around the corner, this is the BEST time for this! But we have to do it. We have no choice. So as I sit here in the office, Propacific bee removal is gasing them out of our home and getting rid of them on the exterior. I tell you no joke. I heard them buzzing outside through the window and it kinda made me jump. I thought I was "bee-ing" attacked. Then tomorrow will be the removal of the hive much damage. They will have to go and open up our house from the outside or in, whichever is easier. and remove this active honey comb hive. Then build our house back up, and of course seal it properly this time.
I never knew so much about bees until this week. I feel closer to those little suckers. I still don't like them though.
So of course with the arrival of Gavin just around the corner, this is the BEST time for this! But we have to do it. We have no choice. So as I sit here in the office, Propacific bee removal is gasing them out of our home and getting rid of them on the exterior. I tell you no joke. I heard them buzzing outside through the window and it kinda made me jump. I thought I was "bee-ing" attacked. Then tomorrow will be the removal of the hive much damage. They will have to go and open up our house from the outside or in, whichever is easier. and remove this active honey comb hive. Then build our house back up, and of course seal it properly this time.
I never knew so much about bees until this week. I feel closer to those little suckers. I still don't like them though.
39 week update!!!
This one is a happy one. I am 2 centimeters now his head has dropped and with more improvements that I will leave out for the weak stomache. But I told my doc. I said, "doc, I am not gonna make another week follow up appointment with you, okay? I just want to plan on seeing you in the hospital sometime before tuesday." She said, "Would you like to be induced?" (Of course I'm a little slow and was thinking she was talking about right then and there.) "If you don't deliver by the 11th, it is fine to induce you, if you like to on the 12th at 7am?" I said sure doc!
So if Gavin is still cozy and comfortable inside my tummy still, I am scheduled at Parkview at 7am for induction. Just watch, I will probably have to be induced. I should have kept my mouth shut..."Oh he's gonna be born late August I just know it...Tyler was born 3 weeks early...I am right, stupid ultrasouud is wrong..."
Tyler was a surpise to us since he was so early. Gavin, it's been like a anticipation/anxeity/summer heat kinda feeling. At least my bag is packed this time. So at this point I am just waiting around for those painful contractions to start. I told John, I will get some for an hour, go to the hospital and I will be 7 centimeters and I won't be able to get an epidural.
Wow I'm a little negative ain't I? I should be positive. Shame on me. Oh well.
So if Gavin is still cozy and comfortable inside my tummy still, I am scheduled at Parkview at 7am for induction. Just watch, I will probably have to be induced. I should have kept my mouth shut..."Oh he's gonna be born late August I just know it...Tyler was born 3 weeks early...I am right, stupid ultrasouud is wrong..."
Tyler was a surpise to us since he was so early. Gavin, it's been like a anticipation/anxeity/summer heat kinda feeling. At least my bag is packed this time. So at this point I am just waiting around for those painful contractions to start. I told John, I will get some for an hour, go to the hospital and I will be 7 centimeters and I won't be able to get an epidural.
Wow I'm a little negative ain't I? I should be positive. Shame on me. Oh well.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Stick a fork in me I'm done!
I'm ready to pop...please, pretty please with sugar on top! I wore my "mumu" today to church. Because the only other pants that feel comfortable on me right now were getting washed. I was pretty comfortable in my "mumu". It dawned on me today how big I am too. I'm really round like there's a baby inside me (go fig). I feel like Gavin is growing out and my belly is so hard you can bounce a penny off my belly. Here's some belly shots for those of you that haven't seen me in awhile, haven't seen me, have seen me lately, just want to see me...
Ahh...a nice little dip

for me of course. I was the photographer. But all the boys had fun in the pool today at my moms. I again was a nervous wreck because of Tyler's ears. The kid wanted to just jump in and didn't want anyone to hold him. He kept on putting his face in the water and just cracked up. It made me smile. I enjoy him so much, it's ridiculous. I can't wait till his tubes fall out!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I'm buzzing mad a KB
So we come home today and find out our bees are back. No! There no no. No kidding we were welcomed with 1 gallon of honey on our door step, and no it wasn't a gift from someone. We also found out while scoping out how and the heck they came back. Is that good ol Kb homes forgot to stucco one part of our house above our front doorway. OOPS! So of course this made it easy for the sweet little honey making bees to make there little home along with the honey. We called a proffessional bee guy and they told us what we didn't want to hear, which of course was money money and more of it. If in fact the honeycomb is in our structure (which Mr. Bee guy said) they would have to take apart whatever structure of our house to remove the honeycomb. Because this honey is coming from there and dripping out of our walls because it's been like 120 degrees lately. And the reason why we don't have hundreds of bees flying around right now, it's because the 10-20 bees that we do have are "freeloading" he said our honey and taking it back to where ever they are chilling at. It's easier for the sweet little honey making destroying bees to take it, rather then go to a flower and start the whole process. Smart bees. Bad for us. So Kb will be in deep doo doo if Mr. Bee guys says could have been prevented if the stucco was finished. I know we can't prevent bees from making hives. But from bees making hives in our attic or our structure because someone ran out of stucco! C'mon. I'm ready for it. I'm 9 months pregnant. Give me a fight. I'm pumped.
Monkey See, Monkey Dooz!
Yes we did it, finally. Everyone that thought Tyler was a girl, can now see he is indeed a boy. It was, I have to admit kinda sad seeing him walk out without his curls, but I have already gotten use to it. He is still simply adorable. Here are some pics of the big event. John kept on giving me the EYE (ie:stop taking so many pictures jaime, the poor girl is getting embarrassed...something like that). I still snapped away. I'm sure she's use to it. He did such a great job at being still (enough for a toddler) and sitting in the safari car while watching high school musical really helped. Okay I'm sure that wouldn't be his DVD choice, but it kept him content...

Tyler playing with his cut locks...
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