Monday, December 01, 2008

Festival of Trees...and SANTA!

Photographer thought it was funny that he was in the you can see I thought it was hilarious, Gavin-not so much.
I want power wars legos...(funny thing is tyler doesn't even like star wars, he just saw it in the ad one day)
Surprised that this actually turned out.
0ops! I thought I flipped this.
Sweet face...don't let him fool you Santa!

So after poor tyler got out of the horsepistol (More on that tomorrow) we decided to take him to go see Santa. We were actually planning on taking him to see Santa on Friday, but being so sick still we went to Urgent Care.

So the whole time we were at Urgent Care and not seeing Santa, poor tyler was being poked and tortured by inexperience nurses (who said they do pediatric IV's all the time). But, like I said more on that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Jamie, your babies are not babies anymore. They are so big! Cute too! H

Stacia said...

Oh my! That is awesome. But it looks like Santa is goosing you!!

Dont hate me. I tagged you. Go see my blog.