Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a relief!

As tyler got up to use the potty, I sat there at our dining room table as I finished my turkey sandwich. The next thing I heard was, "Ahhhhhhh....what a relief." Yes, tyler thinks it is a relief to go pee...where on earth did he hear that from? Hmm, maybe I should question John, or question what he is watching...

till next time...too bad I don't have a picture of that!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Guess who's back?

Okay, after several of my blog followers request, I'm here. Okay who am I kidding, two people have asked me to blog again. Just a glimpse of what happened in the last 2 months (man I'm bad)...

We got a dog-cocker spaniel and poodle mix-named bailey. We missed kali so much we had to get another doggy. We still miss kali, but it feels good to have a dog again...and boy is miss bailey energetic! Non-stop playing!

All my siblings and I went to our church marriage retreat in Palm Desert at the Esmeralda resort. Beautiful-hot-and we were both sick-yuck! What a way to handle your "business"...
Then Tyler started preschool! I can't believe it...time goes by too quickly. He's almost 4, my goodness! He is in the Pooh Bear class and enjoying it very much. Sometimes he doesn't want to go home when I pick him up!

I had a birthday-woo hoo 28 years old! Moving on....
John had his 31st birthday, he went bunging jumping...we didn't bring our camera...stupid.
Gavin turned 1 with Mickey and friends!
And we just went to Oak Glen last Sunday....
We went camping, but those pictures are ont he camera still....I'll pst those next year! Ha!

See you soon! (I promise)