For those of "you" out there lurking behind every corner, every booth, every aisle...stop and listen to what I have to say.
I'm a mom of two. I wouldn't trade being a mom to tyler and gavin for anything in the world. I have my "calgon take me away" days and I have my "kids are the best" days. Today was the calgon day. I had an appointment to see my doctor and I took my two kiddos with me. Honestly I was like, "I can do this, gavin will sleep in the back and tyler will get out when I'm in the room (double stroller). I brought books, crayons, hot wheels, dum-dum's, you name it I was prepared. You would think this would be my first adventure out of the house with two kids. It didn't go as planned.
First of all I wanted to park in the back so tyler wouldn't see the fountain that is right in front of Riverside Medical Clinic. I succeded on that part- yes! Then we strolled on by his floor that he is use to, pediatrics. And of course he remembers that he gets to play with the neat little toys. This is where it began..."Mama, I wanna play toys" I told him he can when we go upstairs. I tried to sidetrack him and telling him can push the buttons on the elevator. Yea the elevator!! Tyler loves the elevator. So he pushes the up arrow and we wait...and we wait...and wiat...then a "friendly" nurse comes over and tells me, "You're not gonna go anywhere if you don't push a button my dear." I quickly pray to my God in heaven to put a zipper on my mouth and say, "I know how it works and I pushed it." Nurse friendly says,"the light wasn't on, the button has to be lite." (she starts to push it...keeps pushing it since it doesn't light up on her) I say, "obviously there is a probl;em with the button, eh?" It lights up right then. "No, it works fine", she says. I pray some more...
We get in and Nurse pain in my butt presses 2. I need 3 and so does this nice older gentlemen and his son. The older gentlemen says, "3 please?" and goes to push it, since nurse pain in my butt is ignoring him. She quickly slaps his hand (no just kidding). She says,"No, we have to wait until we get to floor 2 then you can push it." I roll my eyes since I'm behind her. The older gentlemen just stands there and his son gives her a look because she can't see him either. 2nd floor comes and she gets off. And we all say something as soon as those doors close. I laugh and say, "didn't know these things come with instruction, maybe they should invest in a bell hop!" they laugh and the son says he won't say what he really wants to say since I have two kids in the elevator...yikes!
So I stroll on over to check in and tyler is still saying he wants to play toys over and over and over and over and you get my drift. I get embarrassed since people are staring. It's like no one on earth has ever had a 3 year old, I'm the only one. Everyone else's kid just miracously skips 2-4 years of age and is perfect. So I tell him in a minute (like he understands that) and he quits. Yes, silence. I pay my ridiculous copay and then he asks, "mama are you done yet?" "Yes tyler I am." Then I'm sure you can imagine what he asks me then...
I stroll on to the back of the room so I won't annoy everybody. If I was mean, I would sit right in the middle of the crowd, but I'm sweet as apple pie. I sit down and start to fill out my paper work. Tyler is just getting into playing with his cars. Then I hear, "Jaime Cram?" I stand up and smile and tell tyler to come on. He follows fine, but the whole way he is saying, you guessed it! I wanna play cars I wanna play cars I wanna play cars....
We get back to the little vital station where they do their 5 check point service thingy. I'm telling tyler to stop asking me. He keeps on asking me. I tell him if he continues I am gonna take him to the "bathroom" (he knows what that means). He says, "I don't wanna a spakin". I tell him, "then stop". The nurse puts on the blood pressure cuff and takes my tempurature. 98.5-perfect. 138/75. "WHAT? It's never that high. why is it high?" (like she really knows that answer) In between asking her that stupid question, I told tyler to stop 3 times. She laughed and said I might be a little stressed. Uh, yea I guess.
Anyway, tyler was fine inside the room while I saw the doctor. We go down the hardest working elevator in Riverside and go to leave the building. But right before I could leave of course Tyler had to start saying, "mama, I wanna play cars. I wanna play cars." And I tell him, "You can tyler when we get home, so stop asking me." He says, "But-I-wanna-play-cars-" AND THEN I just had to hear "Oh my goodness". I stopped and turned around to see where this comment was spewed and saw this--girl sitting in the corner staring at me and my kids and is obviously the culprit of her crime. Yea, it's a crime to judge a mom if you haven't done it yet. Teeny boppers! Ugh! So I didn't say anything, but I gave ger the dirtyest uglyest face my face could give her. She received it and quickly smiled. I felt better.
I mean tyler is 3. He has his moments and today was not even half of his moments. I feel for moms when I see them in public struggling with their kids. You just never know what that mom is going through or what kind of day she is having or worse, what the kid is going through. You don't know if that kid has a illness or has a behaviorial problem or if the mom is having a poopy day. So don't judge, don't be quick to spew your rude comments aloud because you too will someday be there and you will remember my dirtyest uglyest face that I gave you...just saying...
I'm just saying...