Friday, March 28, 2008

Say my name, say my name...
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

So I guess Jaime Cram is very original...or most english speaking females don't spell my name like "Hi-me" (Jaime) they spell it the normal way, J-a-m-i-e. Thanks parents! And mom, my name doesn't mean I love you in french. I took 2 years of it and never came acorss it. J'aime is the verb for 'I love' though. Close but no cigar!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Thank you Jesus..."

So the other night we were just about to eat dinner when we asked Tyler to say the blessing...

"Dear Jejus, tank you for my food. May it be a beting to my body. Watch over my mommy and my daddy and i see you in da morning. Amen."

What? I thought we were eating dinner, not going to bed. Poor kid was probably so hungry he was delirious and said the wrong prayer!

Never a dull moment with a toddler!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

"I see you..."

I was looking through pictures on my camera tonight and came across these photos that made me laugh. But not the focused object in the picture. I never noticed my dog trying to get in on the shot! Check Kali out at the top center of the picture...

Now this was taken on Christmas Eve last year. My little grandma is so happy when she gets to hold her grandchildren. I mean great-grandkids...can you imagine Justin or Jennifer sitting on her Arthritic bones? Yeh, either can I. Anyway, she was holding Gavin with big smiles...but I noticed that Justin and Burg are cheesing it up in the background.
"I love you my little muffin head..."
"I love you too my handsome stud-rocka!"

Hahaha...okay it's late I have to go to bed...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

thanks burg...

can't wait to do it again...

What the?

You know everyone has one of these strangely odd growing misc. hairs somewhere on their body. Mine just happened to show up on my right temple area. I actually thought it was a hair that was just lingering around. NOPE! It wasn't attached to my head, like I thought. It was attached to my face. Yummy!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The baba fairy is a the door!

Yes, we told tyler the "baba fairy" was gonna come and take his baba's away since he is a big boy. He helped us put them into a bag and was excited....
Then he woke up from his nap and suddenly there was a knock at our door...(it was John). The baba fairy came! (it was John). There was glitter and a toy placed upon the empty bag where his baba's once were. He was amazed and believed the whole thing, hook line and sinker!

This parent thing is pretty fun...