Not gonna lie, I thought for sure I would have delivered by now. What's the deal here? I guess I was right with Tyler, but way off on Gavin. Oh well, he will come in God's timing.
Blah blah...still 1 centimeter. My doctor basically said I will most likely have a september baby and might be close to my due date september 11. My fluids are up and told me to continue to drink as much as have been.
It is my God given pregnancy right to have free will to complain about anything. SO here it goes...
at church on sunday I...couldn't really sing since I couldn't really breathe...have much room inbetween my mom and john in the chairs, I had no idea where to rest my arms...couldn't waddle quick enough to the car so I would get to in the air condition. Every night I can't...sleep well enough since every bone in my lower half is widening for gavin's arrival...sleep over 1-1/2 hours before I have to flip on my other hip/go pee/or turn the air up higher. I cry all the time. Okay maybe not all the time, but I cry because I'm done.
There I complained. 2 more weeks to go. I guess Labor day will have a new meaning to me next week!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
37 week update
Yee haw! I'm almost there.
So I had an ultrasound done tuesday to check the sizes and what not. I had no idea what was on the screen. I mean she did tell me head is down, showed us the femur, and the abdomen. But man oh man, is he crowded in there! John was dissapointed. He thought it would be like it was when we found out we were having a boy.
So Dr. Bryan told us that Gavin is measuring about 6 lbs 8 oz. John asked what her opinion on what he may weigh at birth and she said 7 lbs. 7-8 oz. She asked what tyler weighed, and we said 7 lbs 3 oz.
"God, I have been praying for a healthy baby boy thoughout this entire pregnancy. I know you have had your hand on my belly and on Gavin throughout these weeks. You have blessed me with once again a healthy pregnancy. All I ask that Gavin be born soon. Why you may ask, well if I go to my due date I will be giving birth to a watermelon!!"
So yes, Gavin like puts on the weight in the last weeks. If he is gonna be born weighing 7 lbs 8 oz or so, he better come next week. Or I'm in big trouble.
I also found out Gavin's swimming pool is a little low on water. I mean my amnio fluid is low. I have to pump more liquids into me or she's gonna place me in the hospital so they can do it for me. Kinda scary, but seems easy...drink drink..pee pee pee...drink...pee pee...drink drink...pee pee drink while peeing drink. I thought I was doing pretty darn good in drinking plenty of fliuds, but she said it could be the heat. So I have John my wonderful supporting hubby counting my ounces as they go down. And asking me how much I have drank thoughout the day. I'm waiting to get text messages to remind me or something.
I'm still 1 centimeter by the way...
So I had an ultrasound done tuesday to check the sizes and what not. I had no idea what was on the screen. I mean she did tell me head is down, showed us the femur, and the abdomen. But man oh man, is he crowded in there! John was dissapointed. He thought it would be like it was when we found out we were having a boy.
So Dr. Bryan told us that Gavin is measuring about 6 lbs 8 oz. John asked what her opinion on what he may weigh at birth and she said 7 lbs. 7-8 oz. She asked what tyler weighed, and we said 7 lbs 3 oz.
"God, I have been praying for a healthy baby boy thoughout this entire pregnancy. I know you have had your hand on my belly and on Gavin throughout these weeks. You have blessed me with once again a healthy pregnancy. All I ask that Gavin be born soon. Why you may ask, well if I go to my due date I will be giving birth to a watermelon!!"
So yes, Gavin like puts on the weight in the last weeks. If he is gonna be born weighing 7 lbs 8 oz or so, he better come next week. Or I'm in big trouble.
I also found out Gavin's swimming pool is a little low on water. I mean my amnio fluid is low. I have to pump more liquids into me or she's gonna place me in the hospital so they can do it for me. Kinda scary, but seems easy...drink drink..pee pee pee...drink...pee pee...drink drink...pee pee drink while peeing drink. I thought I was doing pretty darn good in drinking plenty of fliuds, but she said it could be the heat. So I have John my wonderful supporting hubby counting my ounces as they go down. And asking me how much I have drank thoughout the day. I'm waiting to get text messages to remind me or something.
I'm still 1 centimeter by the way...
Monday, August 20, 2007
I sit here at my computer getting bills situated and stuff. I'm 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Gavin doesn't let me forget that he is a little growing miracle inside my belly. I just got done cupping his little foot through my belly. It's amazing. Poor thing has no more room in here and wants out. But apart of me just like when I was pregnant wth Tyler...will miss the movements in my belly that only I can feel. What a miracle.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Appointment update....
So I'm about to get personal...for those of you that will understand this:
1 down, 9 more to go.
No not days, weeks, or even months. Not even minutes or seconds. I'm definately not delivering on september 11. That may be my "EDD" educated due date. Let me tell you about edjumacation people. I know my body and I was there when Tyler was born. His due date was April 22, and his birthday is April 4. Let's try this again.
1 centimeter down, 9 centimeters to go...
1 down, 9 more to go.
No not days, weeks, or even months. Not even minutes or seconds. I'm definately not delivering on september 11. That may be my "EDD" educated due date. Let me tell you about edjumacation people. I know my body and I was there when Tyler was born. His due date was April 22, and his birthday is April 4. Let's try this again.
1 centimeter down, 9 centimeters to go...
Monday, August 13, 2007
36 weeks pregnant
So my sister came over to visit with me and Tyler on her day off. He enjoyed that piggy back rides and piggy toe game.

I'm due in 4 weeks. Oh my. This time when I was pregnant with Tyler, I gave birth the following week. 3 weeks early. So yeah I am kinda nervous (and packing my bag). I have to register myself and Gavin at the hospital tomorrow along with my 36 week appointment. That's all my body can handle right now!

I'm due in 4 weeks. Oh my. This time when I was pregnant with Tyler, I gave birth the following week. 3 weeks early. So yeah I am kinda nervous (and packing my bag). I have to register myself and Gavin at the hospital tomorrow along with my 36 week appointment. That's all my body can handle right now!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Jesus had long hair!

I am sick and tired and tired of being sick of people's comments on Tyler's hair. Yes it is long. No he's not a girl. But thank you for the beautiful comment. I mean seriously here. If I want to let my childs beautiful hair grow until it hits his feet, I will and just leave me alone. For those that think that we will cut his hair when someone tells us he's a beautiful girl...too late. We already got that comment. There usually people that are old too. It's still a compliment, hence the beautiful part! In fact, when we were leaving the hospital the day after he was born (dressed in blue) someone said in the elevator what a beautiful girl. Can boys not be cute anymore? Because to me newborns look all the same...Grrr. I did trim his hair a little since I know it was getting in his eyes and such. But we will cut it soon. Then I will get to hear, "It's about time...."
Friday, August 10, 2007
Where have I been lately?
Just to catch everyone are a "few" photo's to what's been going on in my life for the past month...
We also had our family throw a nice family co-ed baby shower for our little Gavin (count down is on)...
Papa and Tyler playing pool
Grammy, mama, and nana...
rod, jen, mama, and justin...hey where's dada?
There he is! Helping mama cut the cake...
Tyler taking a little finger sample...
We also slept
We also bought a car or as John calls it, DUV (Durange, utility vehicle)
We went to go see the best circus in town where John felt like a kid again. And I just felt like going pee every 30 minutes...
Talented elephants that know how to balance. CAUTION: All animals were treated nicely, I promise. As soon as a elephant pooped, they came by and scooped it up with a nice big shovel.
Tyler enjoying as well...who's belly is that?
What can I say? The Cram clan minus Gaivn...soon and very soon...
All and all a very exciting month. But of course that will not compare with the next month or next couple of months will hold for us. The count down is on. I'm off of work and ready to birth my Gavin. Okay, I'm a little freaked and anxious, but who isn't that's nine months pregnant?
We put our house up for sell just like everyone else in California...just for fun since I'm prgnant!

My favorite part of the circus...poodles doing awesome tricks! I mean the dog is riding a scooter!

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