I don't own a ipod nano, shuffle, any other ipods out there...
I have to make sure there are no dishes in the sink before I go to bed...
If I'm too tired, too sick to put the dishes away, I'll put a towel over them...
I cannot sleep in past 7am...
When I first met John I knew in my heart he would be my husband...
I don't let my nails grow, I bite them I don't clip them...
I let my poodle give me a morning kiss before I let John...
I'm in to details...
I love to give...
I wish I'd give more...
I'm scared of my second delivery since I know what to expect...
Although John does the bills since I worried about them too much, I still do, everyday...
I need to step out in faith more...
I fall asleep at night when I'm praying...
That I feel so absolutely lucky to have a wonderful child...
I feel blessed that God has given John and I another child to love...
I'm sick of myspace...
I walk the aisles of Target on my days off sometimes just for fun...
I always deny to open up a target card (trouble)...
I love to have company over...
I use wite-out more often than I should to cover my mistakes...
I have to talk to someone on my cell phone on my way home from work...
I love to sing around the house, in the shower, in the car...
I wish I would have more confidence in myself to try out for the worship team...
I'm one clumsy brunette...
I thought it was unfair that God took my dad so soon...
I was being unfair to God about my dad...
I love those Costco hotdogs and cakes...
I think I can always look better...
I think my sister's makeup always looks perfect...
I'm a fan of Tyra Banks...
I like to bake food rather than cook food...
I sometimes wish I would have been a doctor...
So I thought I would tell you!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Bilateral Myringotomy Tympanostomy tube insertion...BMT...tubes

So Tyler had tubes put in yesterday at the butt-crack of dawn. I mostly felt bad because he had no clue what was about to happen. He thought he just was going for a ride with nothing to eat. He was a sweetheart to all the nurses. He let them take his temp, his Oxygen level. So good. Until we handed him over to the nurse and they took him to "the room". The Anesthesiologist said he would be upset when he came out. Oh boy, was she right. He was upset and crying. I felt bad. But 3 hours later he was running around and playing with his toys. He had a lot of fluid behind his right ear all the time. It seems like every month he would get sick. In fact he just got a cold 2 days prior to his surgery. I'm happy that he will hear better now and it's all over. Just can't get water in the ears...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!

But overall we had a nice night celebrating a wonderful person-MOM. We went to PF Changs for dinner and had pie from Marie Callender herself. I love getting together with my family. I love each of them and lucky to have each of them in my life. Including my mom. She does a lot for her kids and always thinks she falls short. She would and will do anything for her kids to make them happy and I love her for that.
M-makes sacrifices
O-obundance of courage
M-memories of joy
I love you mama!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lights, Camera, Ultrasound!
Had one today, ultrasound that is. I'm 10 weeks exactly. My new due date is September 11th 2007. I know I know. I'm not really thrilled with the date, but I can't control it. Besides, I know baby #2 will be born sooner than that. It's only a "estimate" anyway. I'm having trouble post the ultrasound pic. Half of you wouldn't know what to look for anyway. I'm just happy I saw a fluttering heartbeat and a little baby in my uterus! It's real to me now. It's real.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We had such a wonderful day at disneyland. I was able to go on all the rides with tyler and John. We realized Tyler cannot wait in a line longer than 10 minutes. And that most kiddy rides are 1-1/2 minutes. Maybe.
Anyone else want to be sick?

Speak now or forever hold your wallet! So last week was Tyler, this week I guess it's my dog? My dog has had her fair shares of surgeries, ear infections and everything else. I know some people think dogs don't need to go to the vet all the time. They don't need shots. Surgeries for dogs? Ha. Pet Insurance, ha. Well you wouldn't catch me saying those things. Since we have had Kali, she has had 2 major surgeries. We came close to one last year, but so far, her back is doing fine. I wouldn't do the surgeries if I didn't have to. First one, went in to do deep cleaning of her ear canals (pluck the hair-poodles tend to grow them deep in their canal.) So I said what the heck, while she's under, give her a hysterectomy!! I get a call at work saying they have my dog on the table (at this point Im thinking, that's nice of them to call me while their in the middle...) The doctors proceeds to tell me something about her uterine horn...blah blah...missing kidney...hyperplasia...blah blah...urine filled sac about 10cm...blah right ovary...I say what? English...My dog (who is full breed bought by a AKC breeder) has no right kidney, no right ovary and the tissur that was suppose to be her kidney is filled with urine that at some point in time SOON will burst if it's not removed. So of course they proceeded. 2 nights later and a drugged up dog, there goes her first surgery. We bought her in late August, this surgery took place the week before thanksgiving that same year. Let's fast forward a year...knee problem. Another genetic problem. Luxating patella. I saw the xray, it was sad. It was worse when she would hop around the house whimpering when it would pop out. We did try medicine at first, but we had to take the surgical approach. Second one down. A year later...she whimpers again...this time her back. I guess, I mean I know...she is missing cushioning in between to of her vertabres. She already has some calcifications, but luckly no surgery and a cortisone shot took care of that one...So today she just has a double ear infection. Can be treated with her Otocleanse followed by her Otomax. And she has to take Clavamox by mouth 2 times a day. I love that dog...but I'm seriously thinking of getting pet insurance.
Love is a wonderful thing

Sickness kills your wallet

So last week Tyler was sick ALL week! It's started on a Friday with a cough and I thought to myself I better not let this go. So after 4 doctor visits, one Rocephin shot, 18 diarhea diapers, one perscription for diaper cream for a BAD diaper rash, 2 antibiotics, one breathing treatment, and one order of a nebulizer. I tell you from copays, to medications I'm broke. Those insurance companies are rich. But I'm glad finally Tyler is coming around and feeling better now.
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