Yeah, so this is a old old picture. I was going through my old old pictures on our old old computer and came upon my "i'm pregnant" file. I have baby on the brain. It's a serious condition, I know. Thought I would post a little pic. I also wrote in a journal almost daily during my pregnancy. I came across some days I wanted to share...
August 28, 2004 Saturday ( 6 wks 1 day)
Sick, not fun. Throwing up bile in the morning. Nothing beats that. Tasty!
August 29, 2004 Sunday (6 wks 2 days)
Sick, not fun...repeat Saturday. I thought I would feel up to going to John's race today. But our little baby had other plans. I stayed home by myself. No one was near me. I was all alone. Maybe I could have used that depression phamplet I was given. Just kidding.
August 30, 2004 Monday (6 wks 3 days)
I'm beginning to think these are my worst couple of days. I'm not going to work today because I'm doing the "morning sickness princess" thing I do so well. Tomorrow is my first OB appointment (for reals this time) and I'm hoping I can make it.
April 3, 2005 (37 weeks 2 days)
Okay I'mm feeling pre labor contractions. There not bad at all, but I have been having them all day today. Tyler is coming early I know it. I'm getting my bag packed tonight! John might think I'm crazy for saying that, but I know my body......Could I be in Early labor? Or could it be another week or two before D day? I'm calling Dr. Bryan's office tomorrow, or should I call L&D tomorrow? I don't want to go in than get sent home. I'm not saying I'm gonna deliver tonight, but if these contraction feelings keep coming like they are (here's one right now) and if they get more intense in the middle of the night, I wonder. I realy want him to come out when he's due so I don't have to go back to work so soon. Because my disabilty post partum starts the day Tyler is born. But then I do want him here now. John wants him here now too. Well....we'll see!
April 4, 2005 (37 weeks 3 days)10:00AM
(Heading to the hospital because Jaime is having frequent contractions and they are lasting about 1 min to 1 min and 30 seconds). I am really excitied that today might be the day I finally get to see my boy! -john
April 4th, 2005 11:00PM
Well, today was the day indeed. Jaime did wonderful throughout her labor. I will let her explain more when she gets home. Yes, she is at the hospital right now and I just arrived back home. We decided it would be best for us both to get a good night sleep. I feel bad leaving her there all alone but I know she is in good hands with the nurses who are watching her. Tyler was born around 6:15pm and he is beautiful! The most pride I have ever felt in my life came when I first saw him. I cant even try to explain how happy I feel. He is healthy and cute, weighing in at a whopping 7.3 pounds and 19" long. Blue eyes and brownish reddish hair, which later will turn more straweberry blonde, like mine. Anyway, jaime will have more to write when she gets home. I am starting to tear-up just writing this, so I think I will stop now. God is continuing to bless me with his wonderful miracles.
G-night, love you Tyler!
So there I have it...you may wonder what has brought all this up...I look at Tyler and wonder "where the time has gone" Seriously though...I saw a pair of "2T" size PJ's and think those are huge they will be so big on my boy. Nope, they fit perfectly. It's sad. I look in pictures and he is so big. Where is my boo-boo bear at? I want another one.